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The ad exchange offers the impression to Demand Side Platforms (DSPs). A DSP is a platform that allows advertisers to buy display ad space with the help ofwel algorithms that target specific users.

The process of managing programmatic advertising campaigns typically involves managing several marketing channels and ad platforms. As a result, analyzing the performance of real-time bidding campaigns can be a challenge for advertisers.

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With both accurate and timely ROI insights, marketers are able to maximize the performance of their RTB ad campaigns. In addition, Singular provides programmatic advertisers with a cost aggregation tool that can be used to extract cost and Advertentie-uitwisseling marketing gegevens from any source.

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A real-time auction takes place and the winner ofwel this auction kan zijn able to voorstelling their ad to the visitor

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What kan zijn RTB advertising? Real-time bidding (RTB) and programmatic buying are both methods ofwel buying digital ad inventory. RTB kan zijn an auction-based system in which advertisers bid against each other for the right to display their ads on sites and apps.

While useful, this metric doesn’t consider the impact ofwel other channels and user interactions. For example, maybe that person clicked on your ad and bought your product because they had visited your site before, finding it through Google search.

From programmatic platforms to direct websites, RTB kan zijn revolutionizing the advertising industry by allowing advertisers access to premium inventory in real close auctions.

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